Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blog 3

1. These past five weeks, I've gained the experience of college and all it's many different benefits. I've learn things like choosing a major, and using the library for research, all of which will be a great help to me in the future. And it's these things that give me a sense of comfort, because you see, I will be far away from home and it's nice to know that there are many people here that can help you and give you advice on just about anything. I've also come to see that I made many new occuatiences during this summer, and to me, they are all good people and all have many things in which I am interested in knowing. I came here at first with the thought of just doing my work and nothing else, but I've learned that making new homies is a really great way to enjoy college life.

2. One of my challenges that I will most likely face in the upcoming fall semester is the challenge of being away from my love ones, not being able to see them as much as I used to. I will most likely see them in the weekends, which is fine but still. However, I find it easy in making new homies, so I will most likely make some, and kick it with them, that way I would think less of my love ones I left behind. Another challenge will be my classes, I'm pretty sure ill have some classes that will be really difficult. But that's cool, I'm ready for the challenge, besides, I'm planning in meeting new people that will help me in my weak areas, thus making new friendships and expanding my knowledge skills.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Flow's A Tukwut

My name is Gersom Murillo, also known as Flow. I'm know to be a kick-back kind of guy that enjoys hanging out and chillin' with the homies. I'm also known for my hobbies; I'm a breakdancer, an artist, a graffiti artist, and I like to cook. I am currently kind of far away from home, I am from Pasadena, it's there were those who I care for live. My mother, My sisters, and my beautiful girlfriend Karissa are there and I miss them quite a lot, But they are my inspiration and my strength, they are the one's who cheer me on to become the best I can be, they make sure I give everything my best, to give it my all without any regrets, they are always there to remind me who I am and where I come from, and I love them so much. My goal, and the reason why I am here now, is to become an English teacher, I am really into Literature, and Composition, and I really admire works of ma boi Shakespeare. When I was a Freshman at Pasadena High School, my English teacher, Mr. Raya, introduced to me "Plato's Allegory Of The Cave" that allegory has influenced me all through my educational career. I had the great opportunity to become a Cougar, when I got awarded a scholarship for this school, and I really enjoy this place because its different, it's quieter, and more peaceful. The one thing I am afraid of, is failure. I'm afraid to go back home with my head down and with the a sense of great sadness at the fact that I wasn't good enough to succeed. However, as long as I have my goal in mind, and I have my family and my beautiful girl by my side, supporting me, I will do just fine, I will not let them down, I will make them proud of the one they call Flow.